Enterprise dashboards
I’ve written before about dashboard and how they’re typically awful even when the design seems nice and modern. The problem is known as ‘the portal problem’ and read more
Relationship visualizations
Given how opaque and overwhelming data can be, it’s incredibly important to distill all those numbers into a coherent, emotional story – particularly when presenting those numbers read more
Bring UX interactions to life with video mockups
Don’t let stakeholders bumble through the mockup of your cool new feature. Control the narrative of your UX designs by switching your deliverables to videos (yes, videos). read more
Designers who code
I wanted to examine the origins of my knowledge, how it’s served me, and whether designers should learn to code. Since there’s no degree or independent way read more
Turn off the computer (!) and sketch early in the product design process
Sketching with pencil and paper in the early stages of product design connects us to a familiar, tactile process that unlocks our creativity and gives us a read more
Designing an iPhone app? Ditch the wireframes
You don’t need extensive wireframes for iPhone apps. Get a solid site map and page flows together, and jump straight into design, you’ll be OK (I promise) read more
Media Queries for Business apps
While media queries are typically used to handle a site’s transition between different devices and screen sizes, they can also be used to enhance the desktop experience. read more
Rules for editing list rows one-by-one or in bulk
The foundation of a list is the row, and all the interactions associated with it. Far from being mundane or niche, row functionality is important in a read more
Lists: make it easy for users to find and edit information
Users spend much of their day interacting with lists, making them a critical part of any enterprise software. Let’s resolve to make lists that are easy to read more
Give your customers a vision to aspire to
Understand what your customer aspires to (be / have / produce) and give them a vision that mirrors this. When you and your customer are working towards read more
Build a better dashboard
Every product starts out as something great, and at some point, some percentage invariably end up as a single-page dashboard. Despite their ubiquity in cars, (single-page) dashboards read more
Let users design your product
(They’ll do a better job than you) All the objections are true: users don’t have design experience; Steve Jobs said never to ask users what they want; read more